[백준][Java] 31650 - Maximizing Productivity
1. 문제 정보 https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/31650 31650번: Maximizing Productivity For the first query, Bessie will visit the farms at time $t = [9, 7, 8, 8, 13]$, so she will only get to visit farm $4$ on time before FJ closes the farm. For the second query, Bessie will not be able to visit any of the farms on time. For the third query, www.acmicpc.net 난이도 : S4 유형 : 정렬, 이분탐색 시간 : O((N + Q)logN) 2. ..
Algorithm, Problem Solving/백준(boj)
2024. 4. 20.